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Buehler, Cody - Theorem 10.14 and proof
Callen, Sean - HW7 Problem 3 (c)
Fluharty, Taylor -
Guo, Siyu - Theorem 10.1 and proof
Gutteridge, Katelyn - Theorem 9.20
Hahn, Tiffani -
Henningsen, Joel - HW5 Problem 9 (b)
Lanham, Hunter - HW6 Problem 7
Moore, Alexander -
$1$ Apologize profusely to Katelyn Gutteridge for accidentally stealing cycle from her on the previous wiki post.
$2$ Make a mental note that cycle and orbits are not the same thing.
$3$ Request the class to publicly humiliate me for any future thefts that I commit, so that I can realize my mistakes and apologize more promptly.
$4$ Add orbits informal definition and non-example to Glossary.
Payne, Dustin - Theorem 10.10 and Corollary 10.11
Song, Bingxin -Theorem 9.15 and proof
Wittrock, Kerry - HW5 Problem 8
Wolf, Bryson -