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Buehler, Cody - added to Glossary: permutation of a set formal definition, informal definition, example, and non-examples, Theorem 8.5 and proof.
Callen, Sean - HW5 Problem 12
Fluharty, Taylor -
Guo, Siyu -HW5 Problem 2
Gutteridge, Katelyn - added to Glossary: symmetric group on n letters informal and non-example.
Hahn, Tiffani -
Henningsen, Joel -HW5 Problem 5
Lanham, Hunter -Added to Glossary: Relatively Prime and formal, informal definition of nth dihedral group
Moore, Alexander -
Payne, Dustin - HW5 Problem 3
Song, Bingxin -added to Glossary:symmetric group on n letters formal definition and example.
Wittrock, Kerry - added HW5 Problem 6
Wolf, Bryson - added to Glossary:semigroup and monoid formal and informal definitions. Fixed C, I, O, P, and S definitions in Glossary to make alphabetical.