Adding New Pages And Editing Pages

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There are two ways you can add a new page. The first is to use the New Page blank on the right side of your screen. The second is to create a link to the page.

To create links to a known page, simply type [[[page name]]] and it will appear as a hyperlink to the page. For example, [[[Dr McCune]]] creates the link Dr McCune. If you would like your link to say something different than the page name, use a vertical bar. So, [[[Glossary | Definitions]]] appears as Definitions. If the page name you type doesn't already exist, when you click the link you will be given the option to create the page.

Once you have chosen the page you want to edit, simply click on Edit (in the top right hand corner). Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the edit box and add your edits. Use the preview button often to make sure that it looks the way you expect, especially when you are adding mathematics. Editing a page will place a 15 minute lock on the page to keep anyone else from attempting to change the page while you are working. Be sure to save your changes when you are finished by clicking the save button at the bottom of the page.

It is a good idea to place links at the top of your page to other pages in the wiki.

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