Alexander Moore

I grew up with my five siblings in the St. Joseph and Kansas City areas, where I was homeschooled until coming to Missouri Western in 2011. Although I had immensely enjoyed the complexity and orderly structure of mathematics and science in high school, my love for these things blossomed in college, where I was exposed for the first time to calculus and organic chemistry. I am convinced that all of this must have been made by the God of the Bible, and my chief goal in life is to know Him and worship Him. I intend to attend graduate school in analytical or organic chemistry following my graduation from Western next May.

When I'm not studying math and chemistry, I enjoy playing chess or ultimate frisbee, or just jogging on the wood-chip trails around campus. I also enjoy hanging out with people in the Math Community Room. I am a part of three campus organizations: KME, The Alchemist Club, and The Navigators.

This is my favorite limit.

\begin{align} \lim_{x\rightarrow\infty}\Bigg(1+\frac{1}{x}\Bigg)^{x}=e \end{align}
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